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 fprintf()               Write Formatted Data to Stream

 #include   <stdio.h>

 int        fprintf(stream,format-string[,argument,...]);
 FILE       *stream;                     Pointer to file structure
 const char *format-string;              Format control string

    fprintf() formats and prints a series of characters and values to the
    output 'stream'.  If there are any 'arguments', they are converted
    and output according to the specification in 'format-string'.

    Except for the ability to specify the stream to print to, fprintf()
    is identical to printf().  The format string and arguments of
    fprintf() are identical to those of printf(); see printf() for a
    complete description of the format string and arguments.

       Returns:     The number of characters printed.  In the event of an
                    error, EOF is returned.

   -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

    The following statements open a file and write formatted data to it.

           #include <stdio.h>

           FILE *stream;
           char *name = "BOB SMITH";
           int num = 1;
           char sex = 'M';
           char outstr[20];

               if ((stream = fopen("results.dat","w+")) != NULL) {
                   fprintf(stream,"%d, %s, %c\n", num, name, sex);

See Also: printf() fscanf() cprintf() sprintf()
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